Harnessing an attacker's mindset, we employ social engineering to test and train an organization's end users' awareness.

Social Engineering RegularSocial Engineering Wide

Social Engineering

Phishing Engagements
Vishing Engagement
Physical Security Engagements


Phishing Engagements

Phishing engagements serve to assess both the technical and social controls associated with malicious code execution delivered through email. These engagements can take the form of independent campaigns or be part of our phishing maturity assessment. Independent campaigns employ high-complexity phishing templates custom-developed for your organization, allowing for testing click rates and/or payload execution. These campaigns can serve as a one-time validation of defensive capabilities or be scheduled for regular repeat testing, such as monthly or quarterly.

The phishing maturity assessment, on the other hand, focuses solely on click rates and spans an eight-week period. During this time, 1 to 2 Proof of Concept (PoC) approved phishing campaigns are sent each week, with the difficulty of detection increasing progressively. The engagement model is designed to initially expose end-users to generic phishing attacks, with the complexity of the campaigns escalating over the weeks to enhance end-user detection and reporting capabilities. Upon request, elements may be added to gamify the reporting of phishing emails, further enhancing end-user interaction.

Uncover and Strengthen Your Defenses

Our technical assessment services utilize cutting-edge offensive security methodologies to evaluate the resilience of your organization. By simulating real-world attack scenarios, we pinpoint vulnerabilities and potential attack paths, providing invaluable insights into the effectiveness of your current security measures.


Vishing Engagement

Vishing, short for "Voice Phishing," is the practice of calling users within an organization with the intent to maliciously extract information or establish a pathway for remote access. Whether conducted independently or bundled with other services, vishing engagements serve to assess user susceptibility and provide a comprehensive evaluation of the overall security posture.

In the context of a remote-only vishing engagement, the process involves a series of steps. First, researchers perform in-depth analysis to construct an organizational profile. This is followed by the identification of end users based on their roles and levels of interaction with external stakeholders. Subsequently, a targeted campaign is executed, comprising 3 to 5 vishing calls. The information gleaned from these calls is carefully collated for reporting purposes. Notably, points of success or failure in the vishing attempts are then identified, flagged, and subjected to detailed analysis and reporting. This meticulous approach ensures a nuanced understanding of the organization's vulnerabilities and strengths in the face of vishing threats.

Realistic Attack Simulations

Our assessment models replicate the tactics of actual cyber attackers, measuring the potential impact of a compromise on your systems. This approach allows us to identify areas that require immediate attention and prioritization of defensive resources.


Physical Security Engagements

Our cybersecurity engagements evaluate both personnel and security measures in place to safeguard organizational assets. Two models, Audits and Operations, support these efforts. The Physical Security Audit (PSA) involves a facility walkthrough with a designated Point of Contact (POC) to assess deployed security measures for accuracy and effectiveness. The audit ensures compliance with Rules of Engagement (RoE) and may validate security measures through coordinated efforts.

The Physical Security Operation (PSO), similar to a Red Team Operation, tests an organization's physical security capabilities and personnel without prior knowledge by staff. This clandestine operation aims to gain internal access, establish a Command & Control (C2) channel, or exfiltrate data, involving substantial research and legal approvals, with potential risks and the possibility of declination in situations endangering personal safety, such as armed guards.

Comprehensive Reporting

Receive detailed reports outlining discovered vulnerabilities, attack vectors, and recommended mitigation strategies. This actionable intelligence empowers you to fortify your defenses and maintain a proactive security posture.

Let's Get Started

To give our team an idea of what kind of services you're interested in, fill out this short form.


    LinuxWindowsMAC OS X


    Number of Employees with access to your network?

    Number of Locations with network access?

    Facility Type

    Government OfficeEnergy / Construction Remote OfficeFinancial / Medical / Legal OfficeProduction Facility / WarehouseCorporate Office / Other OfficeData / Call Center

    Services Needed

    Check All That Apply


    Technology Systems

    Check All That Apply

    Server / Cloud / Data StorageFinancial Accounts / Intellectual PropertyEmail / User AccountsNetwork / Wireless InfrastructureVoIP / Video Conference SystemsComputers / Printers / Mobile DevicesSoftware / HardwareWebsite / Software / ApplicationSystem Auditing

    Network Radius

    Employees are issued devices that are allowed offsiteEmployees are issued devices that are to remain onsite

    Security Level

    Check All That Apply

    If we lose our data it would financially impact the companyIf client/customer account information in our system were stolen it would harm our reputation and/or financially impact the companyIf our server/website/system is down we lose money

    Threat Level

    Check All That Apply

    Former employees/clients/customers might still have access to our networkCurrent employees/clients/customers could unknowingly or knowingly compromise our system and/or their accountsCompetitors/Foreign entities could be motivated to attack our network

    Monitoring Level

    Check All That Apply

    The equipment issued to employees needs access and/or surveillance monitoringThe security of our server/network/website needs continuous monitoring for uptime and data integrityOur office/facility needs dedicated access/alarm and/or surveillance monitoring

    Management Level

    Check All That Apply

    Our system requires regular auditingOur employees need policy and procedure training of company technology systemsOur equipment needs ongoing software/hardware/security updatesOur company needs consultation when purchasing and/or implementing new technology systems

    Contact Information

    Contact Name

    Organization Name

    Phone Number

    How Can We Help You?